
Moving at the speed of business

Moving at the speed of business: No matter how fast ground or air shipping becomes, nothing beats the "Right now!" approach to delivering your courses online, on-demand. Online training has become the widely accepted standard for students looking to obtain certifications for their careers. Looking ahead to the future, we see online training not only as a tool for students and employees, but also for organizations looking to streamline their training needs. New processes require new training; and both are best delivered just-in-time. Whether it be via PC, table top, laptop, tablet, smartphone, smartglasses, or more, we ensure your people are in the know, and out of harm's way, no matter where they are.

Freedom to choose

With SCS’s cloudware we only use the latest SCORM standard to distribute your courses. Using SCORM as the communication medium to broadcast your courses gives your company freedom. The freedom to take your courses to other LMS systems, and we encourage our clients to seek out other avenues of distribution for their material. Unlike our competitors we don’t view our LMS system as the last step in your road to success; we see it as your first step into online course distribution freedom.

Don’t you remember me?

Cloud architecture has evolved into the best medium to store information. Pushing your company's courses to the cloud will allow your business to store student information reliably, securely, and conveniently. Safety Coordination Services' cloudware makes searching for certification dates and renewals a thing of the past; automatic reminders and an accreditation database makes keeping track of your employee training status easy and fast.